

The Courses at Kent Street Senior High School offers our students an opportunity to participate in State and National Speech Competitions, the chance to win scholarships and to study abroad as well as Australian universities.

Kent Street students have excelled, and been successful in securing the following language-based awards:

  • Japanese Speech Competition - R. Prijanto
  • Japanese Speech Competition - E. Lim
  • Gold Intercultural Learning Scholarship to study in Japan for 6 weeks – C.Jong
  • JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency Test) Level 3 - H.Amil

Native speaker assistants at our school facilitate our students learning and this has contributed to the success of our students. We have set up a computer lab and use this IT in this subject area.

The two major bonuses of taking a language in the WACE Examination are:

  • Automatic addition of 15 marks in the WACE Language Examination
  • 10% increment in the overall aggregate score of WACE regardless of whether or not the language is included in the final calculation of aggregates.

ATAR - Japanese Second Language

The Japanese: Second Language ATAR course is designed to further develop students’ knowledge and understanding of the  culture  and  the  language  of Japanese-speaking  communities,  providing  them  with opportunities to gain a broader and deeper understanding of Japanese and extend and refine their communication skills. The course focuses on the interrelationship of language and culture, and equips students with the skills needed to function in an increasingly globalised society, a culturally and linguistically diverse local community, and provides them with the foundation for life- long language learning. Relevant and  engaging tasks,  delivered  through  a  range  of appropriate  contexts  and topics, develop literacy in the Japanese language as well as extend literacy development in English.   This course is a direct pathway to Curtin University which gives the students a bonus 10% on their final WACE score.

General - Japanese Second Language

The  Japanese:   Second  Language   General   Course   is   designed   to   enable  students  to  gain  knowledge   and   an understanding of the culture and the language of Japanese-speaking communities. The course focuses on the interrelationship of language and culture, and equips students with the skills needed to function in an increasingly globalised society, a culturally and linguistically diverse local community, and provides them with the foundation for life-long language learning. Relevant and engaging tasks, delivered through a range of appropriate contexts and topics, develop literacy in the Japanese language as well as extend literacy development in English. 

Please Note - Application for Enrolment in a Language Course 

All students wishing to study a WACE language course are required to complete an application for permission to enrol in a WACE language course in the year prior to first enrolment in the course, to ensure that students select the course best suited to their linguistic background and educational needs. Information about the process, including an application form, is sent to schools at the end of Term 2.  Further guidance and advice related to enrolments in a language course can be found on the Authority website at